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《我最爱的中华宝贝》第79集 李静好:墙壁上的中国

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:46    点击次数:69

  由中共上海市委对外宣传办公室、上海市文化和旅游局、上海广播电视台融媒体中心(SMG NEWS)联合发起,2023“爱上海的理由”青少年英语短视频征集展播活动以“我最爱的中华宝贝”为题,诚邀全球新生代用向上的风貌、良好的英语表达和创意的镜头语言展现青少年眼中具有当代价值和世界意义的中华优秀传统文化。在这一集里,让我们跟着镜头、跟着李静好同学一起去山西,赏“墙壁上的中国”,看千年传世之奇珍。   李静好自述:   这个暑假,爸爸妈妈带着我去实地感受山西的壁画,探访墙壁上的中国。   山西的寺观壁画大多描绘佛经故事或水陆法会,壁画经历千年,色彩依然历久弥新,栩栩如生。山西保有中国现存最大面积的寺观壁画,总面积超过7000平方米。   在山西,除了有庞大的古代壁画,还有精美绝伦的古代建筑。中国仅存的4座唐代木结构建筑全部位于山西。在山西的村子里,其实还散落着很多古建筑和寺观壁画。希望有更多的人能看到这些文化遗产,保护墙壁上的中国。   My Favorite Chinese Treasures EP78|Li Jinghao: Echoes from the Walls, Ancient Chinese Murals in Shanxi #MyFavoriteChineseTreasures #MyFavoriteShanghaiSeason4 #shortvideoshowcase #vlog   Presented by Li Jinghao   During this summer vacation, my parents took me to North China's Shanxi Province to see the frescoes, visiting the “China on the walls”.   Shanxi frescoes in temples told Buddhist stories or ancient rites. The frescoes have been around for thousands of years, but their colors are still fresh and vivid.   Shanxi has the most abundant temple frescoes in China, with a total area of more than 7,000 square meters. In Shanxi, there are not only numerous ancient frescoes, but also delicate ancient buildings. All of the four surviving Tang Dynasty (618–907) wooden buildings are all located in Shanxi.   In Shanxi’s villages, there are also many ancient buildings and temple frescoes scattered. I hope that more people will realize the beauty of these cultural heritage and protect the “China on the walls”.


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